Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Mid-State Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Financial Aid
Financial Aid Continued Assistance
Federal regulations require that schools monitor the academic progress of students. This policy applies to all students accepted into undergraduate programs pursuing an associate degree or technical diploma. It includes all periods of enrollment even if the student did not receive financial aid. Students can receive aid only for classes that are required for their program.
To continue to receive financial assistance for each term, a student must progress toward the attainment of a degree or diploma in an approved program by meeting the following standards:
- Grade Point Average (GPA) –is the qualitative measure used for SAP evaluation. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
- Pace: is the quantitative measure used for SAP evaluation. Students must complete 67% of all classes ever attempted at Mid-State Technical College. Pace is calculated at which a student is progressing by dividing the total number of hours the student has successfully completed by the total number they have attempted, or by determining the number of hours that the student should have completed by the evaluation point in order to complete the program within the maximum timeframe.
- Attempted Credits: Must include withdrawals (W), incompletes (IC), in-progress (IP) repetitions (R) and transfer credits (TR). Due to the cumulative nature of these requirements, it is very important that students take adding and dropping of classes under careful consideration.
- Financial Aid Repeating a Course: Students retaking a previously passed class may have the repeated class count toward financial aid eligibility once.
- Remedial Coursework: Student may receive financial aid for up to 30 remedial credits. These credits are included in academic progress calculations (qualitative assessment of SAP). A maximum of 30 remedial credits can be excluded from the maximum timeframe calculation.
- Maximum time frame: Students may receive financial aid for 150% of the published length of their program at Mid-State, even if financial aid was not received for all attempted courses. For example, a student is attempting an Accounting associate degree and the published length of the program is 64 credits for graduation. Applying the 150% maximum time frame rule to this program would limit a student to 96 attempted credits (64 credits x 150% = 96 maximum credits). Please note this maximum time frame is specific to the student’s chosen program, and in some cases may be more or less than 96 attempted credits. Attempted credits remain the same as listed above.
Note: If a student changes programs, the attempted credits are cumulative for the entire time a student attends Mid-State and will be included in the calculation of GPA, Pace and Maximum time frame measures. If a student successfully completes a program and enrolls in a subsequent program at the college, the student's SAP eligibility remains the same as it was when the student finished the first program. All of the credits taken during any prior program attempts will be counted to determine if there is any remaining eligibility for subsequent program. In many cases, the student may not have remaining eligibility because of the maximum timeframe. The maximum duration of eligibility for students active in more than one program is calculated using the active program requiring the most credits to complete. It is not calculated on the basis of multiple programs. For example, if a student is in two programs, one with 60 credits and one with 24 credits, the 150% calculation will be based on 60 credits. The student would need to complete both programs within 90 credits (60 credits x 150% = 90 maximum credits). These limits apply regardless of whether or not the student has received financial assistance during prior semesters.
Satisfactory progress is evaluated after grades are posted for each term: fall, spring and summer. Evaluations will be based on courses completed and attempted at Mid-State, as well as credits transferred into Mid-State.
- Financial Aid Warning – If students do not meet the GPA and/or Pace standards, they will be placed on financial aid warning for one semester to allow them to get back in good standing. This does not require action (such as a Petition for Reinstatement) by the student. During that warning semester, students are still eligible for financial aid but must meet the standards at the end of the probationary term or face financial aid suspension. Students on warning are strongly encouraged to utilize the services provided by Mid-State such as the Academic Learning Center, tutoring, and counseling to help them become successful.
- Financial Aid Suspension – Students who do not meet the above standards at the end of the Financial Aid Warning term, will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. The student will be denied future financial aid at Mid-State until they obtain a satisfactory status by paying for their own classes. If there are extenuating circumstances, students have the right to submit a Petition for Reinstatement and Academic Success Plan for one semester.
- Financial aid suspension does not prohibit a student from attending and paying for classes on their own. Financial aid eligibility will be reinstated once the student is again making satisfactory academic progress and if the student has a completed financial aid file.
- Appeal Process – Students who believe they had an unusual situation or condition which prevented them from being successful (such as military activation, death of immediate family member or serious medical condition) may appeal their suspension by submitting a Petition for Reinstatement and an Academic Success Plan.
- To complete a petition, you must meet with your Academic Advisor. The petition requires students to explain and document why they failed to meet the standards and what has changed that will allow them to meet the standards during the next term. Supporting documentation must be submitted with the petition form for consideration of approval. Schedule an appointment with your advisor.
- An Academic Success Plan and Degree Map needs to be completed at a meeting with the student’s Academic Advisor. This plan must ensure that the student will be able to meet the standards within a specific time frame. To schedule an appointment, please call 888-575-6782. The student who is on an Academic Plan may receive financial aid funds for one payment period but must remain successful to receive future funds. The student is only allowed to take courses outlined in their Degree Map and must be completed with a grade of C or better; a Withdraw grade is not considered successful.
- If the student has been notified that they have reached the 150% Maximum Timeframe, they must meet with their Academic Advisor to appeal and complete a petition as above. The same academic guidelines apply to remain on financial aid. While on 150% the student must remain on an Academic Plan until the active program is successfully completed and are not allowed to change or add programs.
Note: While on an Academic Plan, if a term is not successful the student’s next enrolled term will need to be paid for on their own without financial aid and with a minimum enrollment of six credits. If a student successfully completes a term paying on their own, students are eligible to petition for reinstatement of financial aid for the following term.
- Financial Aid Probation – A student whose petition is approved will be placed on financial aid probation. A student on probation may receive funds for one payment period. The student must follow the academic plan outlined in their Academic Success Plan. At the end of one payment period on probation, the student must meet the satisfactory academic progress standards AND the requirements of the academic success plan to qualify for continued financial aid.
Notification of SAP Determination:
Students are notified through their Mid-State email regarding Warning or Suspension status at the end of each semester. Students who appeal their ineligibility will be notified of the outcome through their Mid-State email.
Students should not assume that appeals (Petition for Reinstatement/Academic Success Plans) will be approved. All appeals are considered on a case-by-case basis and the decision is final. Students are responsible for charges on their Mid-State student account during the appeal process. If the appeal is approved for the term, the student will be reimbursed up to the amount of aid they are eligible to receive.
Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility if Appeal is denied
- If an appeal is denied the student will be responsible for making Satisfactory Academic Progress on their own before Financial Aid can be reinstated. This means a student will need to pay for their classes on their own until their GPA is at or above a cumulative 2.0 average and is meeting the 67% minimum Pace requirement.
- If a student is denied while on the 150% maximum timeframe their next enrolled term will need to be paid for on their own without financial aid and with a minimum enrollment of six credits. If a student successfully completes a term paying on their own, students are eligible to petition for reinstatement of financial aid for the following term. After a successful term while paying on their own, the student may appeal one additional time. The student will remain on an Academic Plan until successful completion of their active program.
Mid-State’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy is subject to change without notice to comply with federal and/or state regulations.
If you have any questions about maintaining your financial aid eligibility, Email Us or call Mid-State's Financial Aid office at 715.422.5300.