Password Reset
Mid-State students and employees can reset their network passwords using the Password Reset Tool. The Password Reset Tool can be used if you’ve forgotten your password (passphrase) or wish to change it.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is a passphrase?
A passphrase is a significantly longer password made up of a unique sequence of words. Mid-State’s network passwords are now required to be in the form of a passphrase.
Mid-State network passphrase requirements:- 16–30 characters.
- New passphrases should be unique. Do not enter a passphrase that has been used previously.
We recommend that you string together unrelated words into a phrase you can remember. The more unrelated, random, and nonsensical the words seem when put together, the stronger your passphrase will be.
- beliefenglishfrisbeepromotion
- mathbornpackagesailor
- sleepyCORVETTEtacofootball
Note: You can add special characters or a mix of lower case and upper case letters. However, these are not required.
- What will I need to complete a password reset?
You will need to access the personal email account or cell phone that Mid-State has on file for you. This is for security purposes. To update your personal email or cell phone, please contact us at 888.575.6782 during normal business hours.
- What are the system requirements for a password reset?
The reset tool is compatible with the current version of any modern browser (e.g., Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari).
Still need help? Contact the Help Desk (If urgent call 877.469.6782 or ext. 5555).