Donor Recognition
Commitment to Success
Donors change lives, create hope, and help students realize their dreams. The Mid-State Technical College Foundation, Inc., deeply appreciate its donors. We strive to ensure donors’ charitable giving goals and interests are met and appropriate recognition is given for their support. Our "Friends of the Foundation" displays are proudly featured at Mid-State's four campuses in Adams, Marshfield, Stevens Point, and Wisconsin Rapids.
Our Donors
- Legacy – Over $100,000
Seramur Family Foundation
Bell Family Foundation
Gene Haas Foundation
Leonard and Lillian Bethke - Visionary – Over $50,000
Umhoefer Family Foundation
Wisconsin Hospital Association Foundation
Districts Mutual Insurance
Sentry Insurance Foundation, Inc. - Pacesetter – Over $20,000
Joan Klebs
Stephen M. Thomas
Dennis and Roberta DeVetter
Donald Kropidlowski
Worth Company
PFMA, Inc.
John Clark
Donnell Pagel
David Yerke
Kathy Lee
ERCO Worldwide
Skyward, Inc.
Shirley Kruse
Paper City Savings
Scott Buchanan
Alliant Energy Foundation
Judith Zimmerman
Great Lakes Educational Loan Service
Marten Machining
Bartlett Tree Foundation
Lorraine Jaeger
Engel Fellowship, Lodge 91, IOOF
James Moore
Foundation of the WI Auto & Truck Dealers
Drs. Douglas and Martha Lee
Connexus Association - Benefactor – Over $10,000
Annie Allen–Wyman
Estate of William Zdroik
National Board of Respiratory Care
Phyllis Wandrey
Tom Ekelin
Point of Beginning
Eagle Tree Care LLC
Marshfield Clinic Health System
LeAnn Gotz
Corey and Dixie Schroeder
Erin Herold
Mid-State Student Nurses Association
Land O’Lakes Inc
VFW Post 10262
Dr. Sue and Bob Budjac
Diversity Committee
Wisconsin Rapids Women’s Alliance
Abbie Keller
Linda Lindaas
United Methodist Women of Port Edwards
North Central Workforce Development Board
Karlene Ferrante
Mid-State Farm Bus & Prod. Club
Sharon Worden
Marg Coker-Nelson
Samuel Jonas
Aspirus Riverview Hospital Auxiliary
Charles Spargo and Janet Boddy
Marshfield Rotary Club
Central WI Manufacturing Alliance
Mary Jo Bauknecht-Green
Mid-State Faculty Association
Jean King
Somerville Architects and Engineers
Moravian Church
American Family Insurance Company
ProVision Partners Cooperative
Dr. Shelly Mondeik
Donaldson Company, Inc.
Larry and Nancy Turba
Stephen Kage
Ramona Wolff
Carol Schneeberg
Bob Beaver - Partner – Over $5,000
Connexus Cares
Jeff Troestler
Patricia and Elwyn Nigh
Spencer Machine & Fabrication
Barbara Spencer
Wagon Wheel Bar and Grill
Judy Weber
Lisa Zdroik
Ronald and Mary Jo Panko
John Schaller
Jim and Iris Shewchuk
Sue Akey
Barb Hughes
Mid-State Civil Engineering Tech Club
Wisconsin Rapids Kiwanis Club
John Bingham
Christine Maguire
Wood County Planning and Zoning
Grand Rapids Lions Club
Members’ Advantage Credit Union
Dr. Karen Brzezinski
Jill and Ken Steckbauer
Adams Columbia Electric Coop
Cheryl Dean
Ed and Mary Heuer
Sharon Reed
Gundersen Moundview Hospital and Clinics
Wood County Deputy Sheriff’s Association
Cost Cutters
Pam Alt
Shawn Zee
Saint Joseph’s Hospital
Trisha Payne
Michael Berry
Fox Valley Iron & Metal, Inc.
Bents Chiropractic Center S.C.
Corvettes of the North
Simplicity Credit Union
MA Clubs
Sue Miller
William Bogaard
Dr. Mandy Lang
Delta Dental of Wisconsin
Lindsay Irrigation Solutions, LLC
Kenneth and Kelleen Kaye
Stevens Point Junior Woman’s Club, Inc
Brenda Krings
Eldean Walling
Larry Pischke
Cathy Drewa
Huser Family
Dr. Bobbi Damrow
Wisconsin Rapids Lioness
Davey Tree Expert Company
David Kersten
Skyward, Inc. Employees
Wisconsin Society for Respiratory Care