EduSTAT Grant for Rural Students in Health Careers

Mid-State's goal is to support students with specific resources so they can be successful. You may qualify for extra assistance from Mid-State's EduSTAT grant if all of the following apply to you:

  • Mid-State student
  • Live in a rural community*
  • Pursuing a career in a health-related field

*Mid-State's communities that qualify as rural based on population include Adams, Marshfield, and Wisconsin Rapids. Outlying areas around Stevens Point (not within city limits) also qualify. 

This grant provides resources to help qualifying students complete their health program, including assistance with:

  • Using the Academic Learning Center
  • Tutor requests
  • Time management
  • Study skills
  • Accessing financial resources
  • Access to Mid-State's food pantry
  • Community resources

To find out if you qualify and get started, contact Student Success Navigator Diane Andres