Mid-State to host nursing summer camp for high schoolers
This June, Mid-State Technical College will host two sessions of HealthQuest: Nursing Exploration Camp for high school students to explore the role of a registered nurse. Students can choose to attend the camp on Monday, June 10, or Monday, June 24. Each camp date will be held from 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the Wisconsin Rapids Campus.
Camp attendees will participate in a variety of hands-on activities and simulations that demonstrate what it’s like to be a nurse. Students will also visit Mid-State’s Healthcare Simulation Center at Aspirus Riverview Hospital and tour Mid-State’s Wisconsin Rapids Campus.
“Nurses are in such high demand in our community,” said Deb Johnson-Schuh, dean of the School of Nursing. “This camp will not only fuel passion for the next generation of nurses but will also give high schoolers an overview of what they can expect from the nursing profession. Camp sessions will be led by our Nursing faculty who have years of nursing experience in a variety of nursing specialties.”
To attend HeathQuest: Nursing Exploration Camp, students must be at least 16 years old and entering grades 11 or 12 this fall. The camp cost is $45 and includes a camp gift, lunch and shirt.
Learn more and register at mstc.edu/nursing-camp.