Mid-State offers Activity Challenge to the community as part of its 100-Year Marshfield Anniversary Celebration
Mid-State Technical College community members are invited to join the College during its celebration of 100 years in the Marshfield community by getting active.
Registrations are now being accepted for the Marshfield 100 Year Celebration Activity Challenge. Each participant will sign up for a 10, 50 or 100 mile challenge that can be completed by running, walking, swimming, biking or any other way of logging miles.
“We look forward to bringing the community together with staff, faculty and students,” said Mid-State’s Marshfield Campus Dean Alex Lendved. “Being active in our community is an important part of Mid-State’s mission, and the Activity Challenge is just an opportunity for us to engage with each other and have a little fun.”
According to Lendved, Mid-State’s Marshfield Campus got its start when the Marshfield city council appropriated money to build a new vocational and junior high school building in 1918, which was completed and occupied in 1920. Today, Mid-State in Marshfield has grown from offering one full-time Medical Assistant program to serving over 1,300 students per year and offering over 20 programs that can be completed at the campus. Those programs present a wide variety of opportunities, including agriculture, Nursing, allied health, and Stainless Steel Welding.
Sign-up for the Activity Challenge is free, and all ages are welcome. Each participant will receive a free Mid-State T-shirt. Register now through the end of April, and log your miles May 1–31.