Mid-State brings back cougar mascot, includes community in naming
Mid-State Technical College is welcoming back its cougar mascot after an unofficial hiatus and is seeking input from the community in a naming contest.
Mid-State’s cougar mascot emerged in the 1980s when the men’s basketball team was formed. When organized sports at the college were phased out in the mid-nineties, the Mid-State cougar followed suit.
“A few years ago, we brought intramurals back, which prompted discussion about our mascot again,” said Natasha Miller, Mid-State’s student life manager. According to Miller, college leadership and staff immediately embraced the idea and explored all the ways Mid-State could use the mascot to connect with its communities, far beyond athletics.
“Today, the Mid-State cougar will represent much more than athletic prowess, starting with the many growing opportunities to experience everything college has to offer, including clubs and organizations, dorm living, global education and lifelong learning opportunities, Miller said. “We are thrilled to be able to bring back such an important emblem that embodies who we are as a family of proud and determined students, staff and community members.”
According to Dr. Bobbi Damrow, vice President of Workforce Development and Community Relations, it was recognized early on that the college should bring the community into the naming process of the cougar. “The Mid-State Cougar not only represents the college and our alumni, it represents our entire community and the pride we have in the Mid-State district,” she said.
Now through August 30, community members are invited to submit name suggestions. “The winner will have a shot at lifetime bragging rights if their suggestion is selected,” Damrow said. The winning name will capture the cougar’s best qualities—pride and determination to go after what he wants in life, with the grit and persistence it takes to succeed.