Mid-State BPA launches shoe drive fundraiser to raise money for national competition
Mid-State Technical College’s Business Professionals of America (BPA) student organization is conducting a shoe drive fundraiser to raise money for students to attend BPA’s national competition in Florida this May. Shoe donations will be accepted through April 3 at the Student Services and Information Center (SSIC) at all Mid-State campuses and the Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering Technology, and Apprenticeship (AMETA™) Center.
BPA members will earn funds based on the total weight of the pairs of shoes collected. Anyone can help by donating all types of gently used or new shoes.
All donated shoes will be redistributed throughout Funds2Orgs’s network of micro-enterprise (small business) partners. Funds2Orgs works with micro-entrepreneurs in helping them create, maintain and grow small businesses in developing countries where economic opportunity and jobs are limited. Proceeds from the sales of the shoes collected in shoe drive fundraisers are used to feed, clothe and house their families. The shoes will also be given a second chance by staying out of landfills and will make a difference in people’s lives around the world.
Shoe donations are currently being accepted at Mid-State’s Adams, Marshfield, Stevens Point Downtown and Wisconsin Rapids Campuses as well as the AMETA Center. For questions about the shoe drive fundraiser, please contact Sharon Behrens, business technology instructor and BPA advisor, or call 715-342-3121.