Study cubes in the Academic Learning Center on the Wisconsin Rapids Campus.

Academic Learning Center

Your Connection to Library Resources and Study Support

Mid-State’s district-wide Academic Learning Center (formerly LiNK) locations provide the resources needed for academic success. We’re here to help!

There are no admission requirements, tuition costs, or fees for Academic Learning Center classes. You decide when to begin and develop your personal schedule. Work at your own pace to reach your goals. Individuals may enroll throughout the year.

There are two ways current and future students can schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with a dedicated Academic Learning Center staff member:

  • In-person appointments: Visit the scheduling page for the campus nearest you. (See links under Staffed Hours below.)
  • Virtual appointments

Don’t see the area you need help in? Request a tutor by completing the Tutor Request Form or call 715.422.5470.

Staffed Hours

Spring 2025 (January 2 – May 14)

Closed: February 20, March 17-21, and April 18-19

In-person support is available during dedicated hours in the Academic Learning Center at each campus location. Virtual appointments are also available.


Mondays and Wednesdays
10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Schedule Appointment at Adams


Mondays and Wednesdays
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Schedule Appointment at AMETA


Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Schedule Appointment at Marshfield

Stevens Point

Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Schedule Appointment at Stevens Point

Wisconsin Rapids

Monday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Schedule Appointment at Wisconsin Rapids

Wisconsin Rapids Job Center

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Building Hours

The Academic Learning Center space is available for you to use anytime when campuses are open for business.

Reserve a room in the Academic Learning Center by completing a request form.

Adams Building Hours

Monday – Thursday
7:45 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.

7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Marshfield and Wisconsin Rapids Building Hours

Monday – Thursday
7:00 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.

7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Stevens Point Building Hours

Monday – Thursday
7:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.

7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Academic Learning Center Offerings

Adult Education

Adult Education classes are designed to prepare students and community members at varying academic levels to transition into college enrollment or employment. Classes are offered in a lab-based or online format, allowing students to work at their own pace.

Academic Learning Center Logo

Career Awareness

Career Awareness is a free, non-credit class. It allows adults the freedom to explore a wide variety of careers that match their personal and professional skills, interests, and values. Students participate in “self-discovery” activities and formalized surveys to discover their interest and values. The results are matched with occupations and labor market research. To enroll, please contact the Academic Learning Center. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate unless special permission is obtained. Special accommodations can be made for students with disabilities.

College and Program Entrance Preparation

The Academic Learning Center provides dedicated staff to assist students who wish to improve academic skills in order to enroll in a program at a technical college or university. Students get help with preparing for the Accuplacer, improving study skills, and increasing reading, writing, and math test results.

College Plus GED®/HSED Program 

The College Plus program is for students without a high school credential. It offers an opportunity to earn both a college credential (technical diploma or associate degree) and a high school equivalency diploma (GED/HSED) at the same time.

Who Is Eligible for College Plus?

The College Plus program is for adult students (18.5 years and older) who:

  • Do not have a high school credential, or did not graduate from an accredited high school.
  • Want to enroll in an eligible Mid-State Technical College program and want to apply for financial aid.
  • Can demonstrate college readiness by passing the Ability to Benefit Accuplacer Assessment or completing six college credits.

What Is the Ability to Benefit Accuplacer Assessment?

The Ability to Benefit (ATB) Accuplacer assessment is a test of basic reading comprehension, writing, and math skills. In order to be eligible for Title IV financial aid, students who do not have a high school diploma or GED must demonstrate passing scores on this assessment, per federal requirement.

What Is the First Step?

Attend a GED/HSED orientation at any Academic Learning Center location. To schedule an orientation call 715.422.5470, email the Academic Learning Center, or visit our GED/HSED scheduling page.

Computer Basics, Blackboard, and Student Technology Assistance

Computer Basics is a free, hands-on, non-credit class that provides adults with instruction in basic computer skills. The class starts with turning the computer on and off correctly and works up to sending emails and downloading information.

Academic Learning Center staff are also available to answer questions and provide support in basic computer skills. Skills include use of the Internet, Blackboard, OneDrive, and other Mid-State learning tools. You can also access various technology tools such as iPads, webcams, and digital whiteboards.

English Language Learning (ELL) Instruction

Need to learn to read, write, and communicate in English? Need help to prepare for the US Citizenship exam? ELL classes can help. These classes are designed to assist individuals whose native or dominant language is other than English.

ELL prepares students to transition to a GED/HSED program, college enrollment, or employment.

All ELL students receive Burlington English access online to use at home, at the college, or any place with internet access. There are no admission requirements, tuition costs, or fees. Contact the Academic Learning Center to register by calling 715.422.5470 or by email at

Spring 2025 Class Schedule

Adams - Instructor Pamela Anderson
Tuesdays and Thursdays

2:00 – 4:00 p.m. - Multi-Level

Marshfield - Instructor: Jen Hafermann

5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Multi-Level
6:30 – 8:00 p.m. - Beginning

Stevens Point Downtown - Instructor: Stephanie Rintala
Tuesdays and Thursdays

9:30 – 10:30 a.m. - Beginning
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. - Multi-Level

Wisconsin Rapids - Instructor: Stephanie Rintala
Mondays and Wednesdays

Noon – 2:00 p.m. - Multi-Level
2:00 – 3:00 p.m. - Beginning

Employability Skills

Employability Skills is a free, non-credit class that assists students with the job-seeking and application process. Students will get help with writing a résumé, cover letter, and thank you letter. Academic Learning Center staff will also assist students with creating a Job Center of Wisconsin account to receive additional resources during the job-seeking process.

GED®/HSED Preparation

Dedicated Academic Learning Center staff also assist students who need an alternate path to a high school credential. We'll help you determine and prepare for the GED/HSED program that fits your academic skills, personal life, and goals. There are six options for earning a high school credential:

  • GED – Earn your test-based diploma.
  • HSED 5.05 – GED completion includes meeting the requirements in health, career awareness, and employability skills.
  • HSED 5.06 – Earn at least 22 high school credits including 4 in English, 3 in Social Studies, 2 in Math, 2 in Science, and 0.5 in Health. (Three credits of post-secondary equals 1 high school credit.)
  • HSED 5.07 – Earn 24 post-secondary credits including a credit in each subject required in high school except physical education.
  • HSED 5.08 – Present a foreign diploma or degree.
  • HSED 5.09 – Complete a state-approved program through coursework designed to provide knowledge and skills expected of high school graduates.

For information about the testing process, visit the GED Test/HSED Testing website

Tutoring and Program Support

Have a problem with a paper for class? Don’t understand the assignment? Need some additional help with math? The Academic Learning Center is here for you. Students can get assistance with general academic tasks, instruction in note-taking, summarizing, reference skills, and time management. Students can also brush up on basic reading, writing, and math skills needed to be successful in their program.

Mid-State offers several approaches to tutoring to ensure that students have options that fit their learning needs. We offer tutor labs, peer tutoring, and small tutor groups. Tutoring services are no cost to currently registered students. To arrange tutoring, visit the Academic Learning Center at your location.

If you would like to request a tutor for one or more of your courses, please submit a Tutor Request Form.

Student Expectations

Tutoring is meant to supplement, not replace, regular class attendance. To make the most of your tutoring sessions:

  • Please come prepared. Bring your textbook, notes, and any other relevant materials. It's important that you have read all assigned materials and attempted any practice problems before the session.
  • For optimal support, we encourage you to meet with your class instructor in addition to attending tutoring sessions. This combination will help you get the full benefit of both your classes and tutoring.


Another online-tutoring resource available to students during this time is Brainfuse. Students can access Brainfuse through the link provided or Blackboard. Brainfuse offers students live, on-demand homework help from certified tutors in a variety of college subjects. Tutors and students communicate in real time through the Brainfuse Online Classroom.

Library Services

Library resources are available to students and the community on each Mid-State campus. Our print books and periodicals as well as online databases and other electronic resources provide necessary sources for excellence in teaching and learning.

Library Services Quick Guides

These guides will help you get started and properly site the sources you use in your research.  Visit any of the Academic Learning Center locations for additional support in finding and documenting your sources.

Ask the Academic Learning Center Staff

The Academic Learning Center staff are available to assist students and faculty with searching and obtaining the academic resources needed for any project.

Visit Ask a Librarian to submit an online request, or visit any of our Academic Learning Center locations.

Catalog Search

Search Mid-State’s Library Catalog to view the resources available. Each library provides an array of print, non-print, and electronic academic resources.

Visit the library catalog to start your search.

Online Databases

Mid-State’s online databases allow students and community members to access articles, books, videos, journals, and more online. When searching resources from an off-campus location, a Mid-State eight-digit student ID number is needed. Visit the Academic Learning Center staff location nearest you if you do not have a Mid-State ID to get started.

Visit the online database to start your search.

Interlibrary Loans (ILL)

Mid-State and Lakeland University faculty, staff, and students are eligible to borrow items through ILL. ILL service provides access to materials that are not available at any Mid-State Academic Learning Center location. Mid-State uses WISCAT as our primary source for ILLs. There is no cost to use ILL. The library borrower is responsible for lost or damaged items. Delivery time varies depending on availability of the materials and location of the lending library. Requested items may arrive between 7-14 days after the request has been placed. The requester will be notified via email or phone.

Search for and request academic resources by clicking on the campus location that you would like to pick up your requested materials. 

Borrowing Guidelines and Policies

Mid-State’s library patrons include students, faculty, staff, and adult residents in the Mid-State district. Our guidelines and policy ensure that we are meeting the needs of the community while protecting the rights and privacy of our patrons.

To learn more about our guidelines and policy, see the borrowing guidelines.

Student Loaner Laptop Program

A limited number of laptops are available to loan out to students in need of a laptop.

  • Laptops are available on a first come, first served basis and intended for students currently enrolled at Mid-State.
  • Each laptop will come with access to Microsoft Office.
  • The laptop should be returned back to the campus it was borrowed from at the end of the semester.
  • If you borrow a laptop, you are assuming liability for the computer while it is in your possession. You will complete a laptop liability agreement form when you pick up the laptop.

Student Loaner Laptop Request Form

Upon completing the information on the request form, Mid-State will reach back out to you to coordinate a time to pick up the laptop from your specified campus. 

Get Started Today

Visit the Academic Learning Center to ensure your academic success at Mid-State. To receive additional information about services provided, email