woman in orange sweatshirt sitting at a table working on a laptop

Expected Program Costs

For Wisconsin residents (2024-2025)

Program Name Tuition & Fees Books Supplies, Uniforms and/or Exams Total Estimated Cost
Accounting $9,698.20 $1,807.62 $0 $11,505.82
Accounting Assistant $4,364.19 $882.51 $0 $5,246.70
Adobe Suite* $969.82 $45.00 $0 $1,014.82
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician* $844.88 $199.32 $749.00 $1,793.20
Advanced Manufacturing Technology $10,680.64 $2,500.00 $0 $13,180.64
Agribusiness Agronomy Technician $4,475.44 $286.35 $0 $4,761.79
Agribusiness Science & Technology $10,065.67 $1,065.30 $0 $11,130.97
Ag Diesel Engines and Equipment* $841.10 $12.30 $0 $853.40
Agronomy Equipment Basics* $874.85 $39.55 $0 $914.40
Arborist Technician $10,204.45 $140.76  $53.00 $10,398.21
Automation & Instrumentation Technology $10,134.95 $1,308.85 $0 $11,443.80
Automotive Maintenance Technician $5,097.94 $157.30  $40.00 $5,295.24
Automotive Technician $10,900.73 $345.80  $40.00 $11,286.53
Barber Technologist $4,189.28 $416.00 $1,203.96 $5,809.24
Business Communications Foundations $1,454.73 $199.99 $0 $1,654.72
Business Legal Foundations $969.82 $199.99 $0 $1,169.81
Business Management $10,358.08 $1,839.57 $0 $12,197.65
Business Office Foundations $969.82 $199.99 $0 $1,169.81
Civil Drafting* $1,151.04 $53.30 $0 $1,204.34
Civil Engineering Technology-Highway Technician $10,957.34 $2,053.37 $50.56 $13,061.27
Communication Essentials* $1,454.73 $129.75 $0 $1,584.48
Competitive Sales* $1,454.73 $442.61 $0 $1,897.34
Construction Trades* $1,875.95 $502.57 $0 $2,378.52
Cosmetology $5,754.01 $364.00 $1,315.10 $7,433.11
Criminal Justice-Corrections & Community Advocacy $9,943.17 $582.00 $0 $10,525.17
Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement 720 Academy** $4,467.17 $0 $1,012.00 $5,479.17
Criminal Justice-Studies $9,768.20 $820.43 $0 $10,588.63
Culinary Arts $10,970.70 $1,649.26 $440.50 $13,060.46
Culinary Foundations* $1,508.51 $315.00 $440.50 $2,264.01
Customer Relationship Professional* $1,939.64 $361.93 $0 $2,301.57
Dental Assistant** $3,008.27 $289.43 $102.35 $3,400.05
Diesel & Heavy Equipment Technician $10,812.01 $413.35 $40.00 $11,265.36
Diesel & Heavy Equipment Technician Assistant $5,504.13 $209.12 $40.00 $5,753.25
Digital Marketing $10,183.11 $778.44  $0 $10,961.55
Digital Marketing Promotions** $2,909.46 $361.39 $0 $3,270.85
Early Childhood Education $9,698.20 $1,930.00 $100.03 $11,728.23
Early Childhood-Lead Teacher* $969.82 $89.15 $0 $1,058.97
Early Childhood Professional $4,364.19 $179.45 $0 $4,543.64
Emergency Medical Technician* $951.10 $38.85 $661.00 $1,650.95
Emergency Services Management $9,768.20 $1,607.78 $0 $11,375.98
EMT-Paramedic $6,720.36 $224.97 $765.00 $7,710.33
Entrepreneur** $2,589.52 $393.72 $0 $2,983.24
Farm Operation $4,481.69 $198.60 $0 $4,680.29
Fire Service Certification* $2,898.27 $180.60 $165.00 $3,243.87
Fitness Professional* $1,939.64 $446.85 $0 $2,386.49
Food Service Assistant** $3,683.21 $594.85 $443.50 $4,721.56
Foundations of Business Administration* $1,454.73 $292.63 $0 $1,747.36
Fundamentals of Programming* $1,454.73 $0 $0 $1,454.73
Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)* $1,164.85 $107.25 $100.00 $1,372.10
Gerontology Professional* $1,939.64 $280.65 $0 $2,220.29
Health & Wellness Promotion $9,705.70 $722.33 $0 $10,428.03
Health Information Management $9,873.17 $2,533.46 $0 $12,406.63
Health Navigator* $1,939.64 $156.75 $0 $2,096.39
Healthcare Foundations* $1,021.07 $252.65 $0 $1,273.72
Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning (HVAC) Installer $4,380.53 $764.27 $25.00 $5,169.80
Hospitality Assistant** $3,884.28 $828.23 $0 $4,712.51
Hospitality Management $9,713.20 $2,016.19 $0 $11,729.39
Human Resources $9,708.20 $1,170.59 $0 $10,878.79
Human Resource Assistant $5,179.04 $561.92 $0 $5,740.96
Human Resources Financial Foundations $969.82 $199.99 $0 $1,169.81
Human Resources Foundations* $1,454.73 $199.99 $0 $1,654.72
Human Resources Talent Development $969.82 $199.99 $0 $1,169.81
Industrial Mechanical Technician $10,799.95 $1,920.80 $58.00 $12,778.75
Infant Toddler Specialist* $969.82 $2.30 $0 $972.12
Introduction to Agriculture Business* $1,301.01 $21.10 $0 $1,322.11
Introduction to Agriculture Topics* $1,137.29 $25.35 $0 $1,162.64
IT Cybersecurity Specialist $9,773.20 $1,456.20 $0 $11,229.40
IT Network Specialist $9,766.95 $1,548.05 $0 $11,315.00
IT Software Developer $9,716.95 $448.50 $0 $10,165.45
IT User Support Technician $3,910.53 $945.60 $0 $4,856.13
Leadership Development $9,873.17 $1,537.62 $0 $11,410.79
Leadership Foundations $969.82 $199.99 $0 $1,169.81
LEAD Institute* $2,515.20 $199.99 $0 $2,715.19
Manufacturing Operations Management $9,764.95 $2,146.20 $10.00 $11,921.15
Meat Cutting and Butchery* $1,877.23 $131.88 $0 $2,009.11
Mechanical Design Technology $10,276.92 $2,000.00 $0 $12,276.92
Medical Assistant $5,006.63 $886.09 $58.45 $5,951.17
Medical Coder $4,849.10 $2,027.42 $0 $6,876.52
Metal Fabrication $6,197.13 $1,000.00 $0 $7,197.13
Nail Technician* $1,729.70 $362.40  $649.97 $2,742.07
Nonprofit Leadership* $1,472.23 $724.54 $0 $2,196.77
Nursing $13,484.63 $2,597.95 $761.50 $16,844.08
Nursing Assistant* $513.66 $76.25 $489.50 $1,079.41
Office Support Specialist $5,179.04 $654.56 $0 $5,833.60
Paramedic Technician $11,405.77 $561.45 $774.75 $12,741.97
Payroll Foundations* $969.82 $199.99 $0 $1,169.81
Phlebotomy Technician* $1,189.82 $142.95 $8.50 $1,341.27
Precision Machining Technician $10,368.44 $533.00 $0 $10,901.44
Process Improvement* $1,439.69 $178.00 $0 $1,617.69
Project Management $5,179.04 $976.46 $0 $6,155.50
Project Management Foundations $969.82 $199.99 $0 $1,169.81
QuickBooks & Office Essentials* $969.82 $441.79 $0 $1,411.61
Registered Nurse Refresher Series* $1,339.08 $187.20 $0 $1,526.28
Respiratory Therapy $11,620.43 $1,312.99 $0 $12,933.42
Sales Specialist** $2,909.46 $438.62 $0 $3,348.08
Small Business Entrepreneurship* $1,454.73 $292.63 $0 $1,747.36
Social & Mobile Marketing* $969.82 $178.75 $0 $1,148.57
Stainless Steel Welding* $1,387.32 $0 $100.00 $1,487.32
Sterile Processing Technician** $2,873.24 $458.80 $138.00 $3,470.04
Supervision Foundations $969.82 $199.99 $0 $1,169.81
Surgical Technology $10,223.17 $1,630.34 $0 $11,853.51
Tax Preparation* $969.82 $199.99 $0 $1,169.81
Team Leadership* $1,454.73 $630.53 $0 $2,085.26
Transformational Leadership $969.82 $199.99 $0 $1,169.81
University Transfer* $1,939.64 $283.30 $0 $2,222.94
University Transfer-Associate of Arts $12,127.38 $1,500.00 $0 $13,627.38
University Transfer-Associate of Science $12,127.38 $1,500.00 $0 $13,627.38
Utility Tree Trimmer** $2,779.52 $0 $40.00 $2,819.52
Welding $6,303.41 $226.85 $550.00 $7,080.26

* Program is not financial aid eligible
** Program is eligible for prorated financial aid, which covers some but not all of the cost. For more information, call 888.575.6782.

Cost of Attendance

Learn more about Cost of Attendance, an estimated budget that includes categories of expenses a student can expect to incur while attending.