Temporary Disabilities/Injury
The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments of 2008 states that non-chronic impairments that last less than three months and are not covered by the Act are not considered a disability. However, students with a temporary injury or illness that may impact their academics are encouraged to talk with their advisor and/or instructor(s) about any adjustments they may need during the duration of their impairment. Your advisor/instructor will give you details if medical documentation will be needed for illnesses that are short term.
If the illness or injury requires extensive accommodations for a long period of time (entire semester or academic year), schedule an appointment with Disability Services. Documentation from a medical provider which includes diagnosis, prognosis, expected duration, and current functional limitations/impact, should be submitted to Disability Services. Disability Services will work with you and your instructor(s) on determining appropriate accommodations. In some cases, withdrawal from a course, an Incomplete, or Student Account Appeal may be an appropriate next step.