Retraining Guarantee

Policies & Procedures

Mid-State guarantees up to six free credits of additional instruction to graduates of programs of at least one year in length who do not obtain or maintain employment in their program or related area within six months after graduation. This is effective for students entering in the fall of 1996. The following two scenarios apply to the retraining guarantee:

  • To be eligible, graduates must certify, in writing, to the Vice President of Academic Affairs:
    • They have not secured employment in the occupational field in which they received the degree or diploma.
    • They have actively pursued employment in their occupational field.
    • They have not refused employment in their occupational field or in a related field.
    • They have actively sought the assistance of the district career services office.


  • Within 90 days after their initial employment, the graduate's employer certifies to the Vice President of Academic Affairs that the graduate lacks entry-level job skills and specifies in writing the specific areas in which the graduate's skills are deficient.

Per Section 38.24 (4), Wisconsin Statute The graduate is responsible for all expenses other than tuition (i.e. textbooks, supplies, and the incidental fees). The courses must be within the same occupational program that the graduates degree or diploma was received. The credits must be courses offered by Mid-State Technical College and be currently scheduled for the general public. Once a graduate accepts a position in their program or related area, they are no longer eligible for this guarantee.