Parking Policy & Regulations
Wisconsin Rapids Campus: The Grand Rapids Police Department will enforce Mid-State Parking Policy/Regulations and violators may be ticketed. The Parking Policy/Regulations are as follows:
- Individuals needing to park on campus may do so in any unposted area. Examples of posted parking areas requiring special designation or other approval include:
- Parking in the 15-minute parking areas longer than the allowed 15 minutes
- Parking in a Fire Lane
- Parking in the Clinic Patron parking areas if not a Barber/Cosmetologist clinic customer
- Parking outside of the yellow lines at the ends of the designated parking rows or in the corners of the lots
- Parking in areas that are not designated parking lots, such as, the fenced-in area between the I and the I/T buildings
- Parking in areas that are otherwise posted as No Parking areas
- Parking in the Disabled Parking Only parking areas without displaying either a disabled license plate or a temporary permit
- Parking in areas assigned as Foundation Parking spaces or United Way Parking spaces
Adams Campus: Parking for persons with disabilities is available near the north entrance of the building.
Marshfield Campus: Unlimited parking is available in the large parking lot between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. There is a fifteen-minute visitor parking near the front door of the building. Offenders may be issued a parking ticket. Parking for the disabled is available both near the front of the building and in the parking lot nearest the student entrance.
Stevens Point Downtown Campus: Unrestricted parking privileges in campus lots are granted to all students and staff between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. Disabled parking is available near the north and west entrances of the building.