Two people sitting on a bench. One is business clothes and the other in workout clothes.

WWHEL Conference Keynote

Mandy Froehlich

Mandy Froehlich

Rediscovering You: The Healing Power of Reconnecting with Yourself in a World That Asks You to Forget

In the whirlwind of daily responsibilities, many women lose sight of themselves, often sacrificing self-care in the process. This disconnection can leave us feeling detached from our true selves after constantly giving to others. In this keynote, we’ll explore the transformative power of self-awareness in reconnecting with your authentic self, allowing you to not only restore balance but also strengthen your leadership potential. By understanding the link between boundaries, emotional regulation, and self-care, you’ll discover how prioritizing your well-being equips you to lead with greater resilience and presence. When you take care of yourself, you empower yourself to better care for those you lead, connecting personal growth with professional development. 

About Mandy Froehlich 

A former educator and Director of Innovation and Technology turned author and technology and mental health advocate, Mandy Froehlich’s passion lies in reinvigorating educators back into their profession and support in their pursuit of divergent teaching. She consults internationally with school districts and post-secondary institutions in the effective use of technology to support great teaching, mental health support for educators, and how to create organizational change. Froehlich is the author of several books on educator emotional engagement and innovative thinking with the goal of destigmatizing mental health challenges in the education community and helping people understand how their human integrate with their daily work. 

Learn more about the WWHEL Conference