Students taking notes in notebooks while reading from a textbook.

Responsibilities of Faculty and Staff Members

If the need for accommodations is provided in writing:

Faculty and staff members have the responsibility to cooperate with Disability Services coordinator in providing authorized accommodations in a reasonable and timely manner. The Mid-State Disability Accommodation Plan is emailed to the student, and the student will forward a copy to their instructor. The instructor may meet with the student to discuss how accommodations will be provided, if needed.

If the need for accommodation is not provided in writing:

If a student requests accommodation prior to contacting Disability Services coordinator, the faculty/staff member should refer the student to Disability Services coordinator.

If the appropriateness of the accommodation is questioned:

If a faculty/staff member has questions about the appropriateness of certain accommodations, Disability Services coordinator should be contacted for further clarification. The faculty/staff member should continue to provide accommodations while the issue is being resolved. When a student uses an audio recorder in the classroom, it is appropriate to ask the student to sign an agreement not to release the recording or otherwise obstruct the copyright.

Faculty and staff do not have the right to release the student’s diagnostic information or fail to provide the authorized accommodation. Confidentiality laws protect the student’s privacy unless the student gives the Disability Services coordinator permission to share information about their disability.

Once a Disability Accommodation Plan is completed, the accommodations must be put into effect. The Disability Services coordinator is available to assist faculty in any way necessary to implement the needed accommodations.